Sunday, January 30, 2011

The importance of technology

This blog is written because it's stressing the importance of technology and keeping in touch. Needless to say, I am realizing how much I, myself, need to keep in touch with technology. I am currently out and just realizing this blog is due. So what do I do? I depend on my trusty iPhone to keep me in touch.

What happened today? It was another crazy day at the Stock Show in Fort Worth. It was packed and ten friends of mine all attended the rodeo. It was a great matinee performance. It had your steer wrestling, tie down roping, team roping, saddle bronc, bareback riding, barrel racing and of course bull riding. The bull riding disappointed me--not enough of it. Of course it had the chuck wagon races and the glow in the dark lasso man.

It was a great Sunday affair with friends complete with a trip to the steakhouse, the rodeo and of course the Stockyards! And that is where I currently stand. On my phone. In the Cadillac writing this very blog. While people drink, be merry and two step around me. Yes, I am that girl on her phone.

This has also taught ne a very valuable lesson. Remember things. It's no fun having to sit here and do this. But it has also taught me a very valuable lesson on time management so thank you Mr. Sears. If there's one lesson I walk away with before I graduate, it's to always thank technology for saving me.

While people around me text their friends and make phone calls, it is I who sits here and needs to remind everyone to remember where they would be without their trusty cell phones. Most of the time I get frustrated with technology but tonight I realize it's value.

I currently have over 3,000 followers of Bre's Bucking Bulls on Facebook, and without technology, I wouldn't be able to be as grateful as I am for every fan. Because of technology, I have been able to keep in touch with friends, network, and even connect with fans who are stationed across the world in places such as Australia and Iraq.

So this blog is dedicated to those who use technology to interact with me. I want to say thank you for your love and support and without you, this dream of mine would just be that--a dream. Not what is becoming a reality.

Thank you,


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