Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl

It's that one day a year where millions of people sit down in front of their T.V. once a year with hopes of drinking excessively and filling up on ungodly amounts of chips and dip. Although I did not get to attend the Super Bowl, I did have the honor of having great memories in the host city.

The Dallas Fort Worth area was out of control. I met some people who tried to convince me that they were multi-millionaire entrepreneurs, co-owners of the dwindling site Myspace and men with money who stayed at a Double Tree hotel so that they wouldn't flaunt their money.

You would think DFW was Las Vegas with all the background stories everyone made up. The best may have been the intoxicated women who didn't understand sports at all. Although the teams were staying in the metroplex, I did witness women go up to multiple men sporting jerseys and ask if they were actually a part of the team.

I did get to enjoy the game from an insiders point of view. A friend of mine, Jay, the drummer of Reckless Kelly had the opportunity to perform on site. With that, him and the band got to watch the game and meet the infamous Cowboy Cheerleaders.

That's right he just loved throwing it in my face that I was in front of a television screen while he was living it up! (I forgive you Jay.)

Everywhere you went in DFW was insane. I actually was stranded in the Stockyards Friday night because a cab took 3 hours to pick me up. Needless to say, I paid a valet to drive me home. It was just that busy. Everywhere you went you ran into yellow---either paired with black or green. The best part was watching the out-of-towners experience the stereotypes of Texas. Mainly seeing cows and horses. They had to get pictures with every type of livestock they encountered.

Overall this year has been insane! Between the Stock Show and the Super Bowl and even the Rose Bowl win by my lovely TCU Frogs, it has been a magical and memorable time to live in Fort Worth.

Now what will the rest of February bring...

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